Nautilus Sandwich Tuna Flakes in Spring Water 170g.
Color Red
Material Sandwich Tuna Flakes in Spring Water
Type of use Consume
Dimensions (L x W x H) 0.00cm x 0.00cm x 0.00cm
Weight 170.00g
A product from deep blue sea tunas that are rich in protein and good fat. Besides the delicious taste, it will help restore the balance of the body, making your skin look more radiant and healthier.
Quality product for everyone in the family
Well-selected good quality tunas, no fishy smell
Rich in protein and good fa
Can be used as an ingredient in many food menus
Well-manufactured, clean and safe
Products received may be subject to changes in package and quantity from the manufacturer. We reserve the right to make such changes. without prior notice
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Tags: Nautilus Sandwich Tuna Flakes in Spring Water 170g.