Healthy Chef Soybean Oil 230 ml.
Color Yellow
Material Soybeans
Type of use Cooking
Dimensions (L x W x H) 0.00cm x 0.00cm x 0.00cm
Weight 209.00g
Healthy Chef Soybean Oil 230 ml.
For healthy cooking, you can match quality ingredients and sprinkle some spices to complement your dish. Simply create your own favorite and nutritious meals by choosing the right cooking oi, Healthy Chef. It's in every chef's secret ingredient. It enhances and provides a nice complement to any dish, and helps equalize the temperature for better cooking. With variety of options, ranging from soybean, sunflower, corn and canola, each provides different features in nutrition, smoke point capacity, and flavor.
Soybean oil has 0g Trans fat per serving. It provides good source of omega 3 & 6 which helps reduce blood pressure and prevent heart disease.
Omega 3 , 6
0 gram trans fat (per serving)
No preservatives
No Crystal , No Cholesterol
High Vitamin E with Antioxidant
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Date modified 2024-12-06 11:50:57
Product Code: 213123
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Tags: Healthy Chef Soybean Oil 230 ml.